WCG Team Amanda Anderson AD // Richard Smallbone VD // and many more
World Community Grid
As the Creative Lead on this project, I was very proud of working with a team of executives, scientists, researchers, designers and developers to design an amazing site that has been so successful in the research / scientific community. The volunteers on this project were able to build not only a brand presence online, but a community of volunteers world wide to promote and build a network. Initial marketing efforts developed by the creative team were, print, media, and online. As well as community lectures within the medical, educational and philanthropic sectors promoting the capabilities of the computing platform and its effortless accessibility to all with idle computers.
Two million devices took a second job in humanitarian research. Now we're a billion results closer to solving the world's problems.
Through World Community Grid, volunteers can put their devices’ downtime to use by powering critical research on health, poverty and sustainability.
Cutting-edge techniques enable scientists to conduct computer-based experiments that significantly accelerate research. On World Community Grid, volunteers donate the idle time of their computing devices to allow researchers to tackle ambitious projects that previously were unfeasible. Since WCG launch in Nov of 2004 we have 630k+ members, 2.4 million+ registered devices, 1.6 billion+ results returned, and over 809k years of computing time.
Listed below are some of the projects WCG has been involved with as well as accolades for those projects:
Mapping Cancer Markers Active // The Clean Energy Project - Phase 2 Active // FightAIDS@Home Active // Say No to Schistosoma Intermittent // Computing for Clean Water Intermittent // Help Fight Childhood Cancer Intermittent // Beta Testing Intermittent // Computing for Sustainable Water Completed // GO Fight Against Malaria Completed // Drug Search for Leishmaniasis Completed // Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together - Phase 2 Completed // Help Cure Muscular Dystrophy - Phase 2 Completed // Influenza Antiviral Drug Search Completed // The Clean Energy Project Completed //
Nutritious Rice for the World Completed // Help Conquer Cancer Completed // AfricanClimate@Home Completed // Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together Completed // Help Cure Muscular Dystrophy Completed // Genome Comparison Completed // Help Defeat Cancer Completed // Human Proteome Folding - Phase 2 Completed //
Human Proteome Folding
Nutritious Rice for the World Completed // Help Conquer Cancer Completed // AfricanClimate@Home Completed // Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together Completed // Help Cure Muscular Dystrophy Completed // Genome Comparison Completed // Help Defeat Cancer Completed // Human Proteome Folding - Phase 2 Completed //
Human Proteome Folding
2011 :: 21st Century Award in Collaboration at the Computerworld Honours program
2011 :: IBM's Top 100 Innovations
2009 :: Coffey International Award of Excellence
2009 :: Asian CSR Award for Poverty Alleviation