My passion is working with non-profit and amateur sports organizations. In someform or another I have been involved in Amateur Sports all my life. Competing or volunteering, it is my passion to promote youth and athletics and instil team pride. Some of my involvements have included; Special Olympics Canada,Rowing Canada, Ottawa Rowing Club, BurlOak Canoe Club, IIHF, HHOF, IOC, NHL,TMLSE, Canadian/Ontario Cycling, and The Olympic Games. I have compiled a selection of concept work and also past campaigns, due to the sensitivity of the work you can request a link of my personal online portfolio by contacting me at
My passion is working with non-profit and amateur sports organizations. In someform or another I have been involved in Amateur Sports all my life. Competing or volunteering, it is my passion to promote youth and athletics and instil team pride. Some of my involvements have included; Special Olympics Canada,Rowing Canada, Ottawa Rowing Club, BurlOak Canoe Club, IIHF, HHOF, IOC, NHL,TMLSE, Canadian/Ontario Cycling, and The Olympic Games. I have compiled a selection of concept work and also past campaigns, due to the sensitivity of the work you can request a link of my personal online portfolio by contacting me at
All elements of Christine Brown's site, including all Content within this section, are protected by copyright, trade dress, moral rights, trademark and other laws relating to the protection of intellectual property. Use of any of this material including copy and or designs cannot be displayed or used without the permission of Christine Brown © 2012

AMATEUR SPORTS :: Swim Ontario
"Swim Ontario is a non-profit sports governing body responsible for the organization and regulation of amateur swimming in Ontario. Swim Ontario promotes excellence by structuring, regulating and supporting programs, which encourage the maximum development of each individual swimmer. It is directed by a volunteer Board of Directors, and its policies are administered by a full-time professional staff located at the Sport Alliance of Ontario building in Toronto."
Swim Ontario attempts to create and enhance an image for competitive swimming as a sport that involves fun, strength, and attainment of personal excellence, dedication, health, safety and discipline--in short a sport of superior values.
There are over 140 swim clubs, over 10,000 registered swimmers, about 400 coaches, 20,000 officials and other volunteers throughout Ontario. Swim Ontario divides the province into six regions.
Community Clubs are the cornerstone of Swim Ontario. This is where swimming starts, the competitive environment is fostered, swimmers and parents congregate and the affiliation begins. I wanted to give support to our youth, the next generation of athletes by designing a campaign to drive users to their site and donate. Introducing QR Codes to make it easy to donate via mobile and web.
All elements of Christine Brown's site, including all Content within this section, are protected by copyright, trade dress, moral rights, trademark and other laws relating to the protection of intellectual property. Use of any of this material including copy and or designs cannot be displayed or used without the permission of Christine Brown © 2012
AMATEUR SPORTS :: Swim Ontario
"Swim Ontario is a non-profit sports governing body responsible for the organization and regulation of amateur swimming in Ontario. Swim Ontario promotes excellence by structuring, regulating and supporting programs, which encourage the maximum development of each individual swimmer. It is directed by a volunteer Board of Directors, and its policies are administered by a full-time professional staff located at the Sport Alliance of Ontario building in Toronto."
Swim Ontario attempts to create and enhance an image for competitive swimming as a sport that involves fun, strength, and attainment of personal excellence, dedication, health, safety and discipline--in short a sport of superior values.
There are over 140 swim clubs, over 10,000 registered swimmers, about 400 coaches, 20,000 officials and other volunteers throughout Ontario. Swim Ontario divides the province into six regions.
Community Clubs are the cornerstone of Swim Ontario. This is where swimming starts, the competitive environment is fostered, swimmers and parents congregate and the affiliation begins. I wanted to give support to our youth, the next generation of athletes by designing a campaign to drive users to their site and donate. Introducing QR Codes to make it easy to donate via mobile and web.
All elements of Christine Brown's site, including all Content within this section, are protected by copyright, trade dress, moral rights, trademark and other laws relating to the protection of intellectual property. Use of any of this material including copy and or designs cannot be displayed or used without the permission of Christine Brown © 2012