Concept Design for National Gallery of Canada
Discover highlights of the National Gallery of Canada Art collections. The app offers personal detailed access to images, text, and audio. Explore the best of Canadian and international art. Famous works by artists including Vincent van Gogh , Pablo Picasso, Claude Monet, Jana Sterbak, Evergon and others, along with history and conservation notes. Includes audio and video clips. Functionality also includes:
• Zoom in to high-resolution images
• Zoom in to high-resolution images
• Detail for each collection
• non QRcodes that allow the user to scan graphic label and receive more detailed information on the artist via video and audio during live tour within the gallery
• Shop online
• Prepare your visit with maps and basic visitor information
• Stay current with event and exhibition updates for selected artists
• Prepare your visit with maps and basic visitor information
• Stay current with event and exhibition updates for selected artists
• Email alerts customized
• Languages available English, French, Mandarin, Spanish
• Languages available English, French, Mandarin, Spanish