MLSE Team Cherelle Higgins VD // Tony Schibono AD // Victor Chan Flash // Allison Cox IA
TMLSE Project
Designed and re-Branded the Toronto Maple Leafs website; including brand extensions of existing and new logos; print, Leafs TV, on-line gaming, contests, social networking, media library, history timeline micro site and sideline merchandising for fan based products and promotional based campaigns. The site was designed and developed to give the “Total Online Fan Experience”.
How did we do it? Well, before most agencies were applying customer (CX) / user (UX) experience our team conducted workshops with stakeholders, target audiences from players to fans!, competitive reports, user testing, content review and IA structure, reviewed existing site and broke down the requirements to develop the "Total Online Fan Experience (FX)". Bringing the game to the extreme fan to create as close as possible a "live" experience through the web.
* Website won multiple awards including: 2 Design Awards from “Applied Arts Magazine”